Eye masks are one of the most useful inventions for light sleepers and for people who suffer from eye-related problems. This brief buyer’s guide will answer any questions or misconceptions you may have regarding eye masks.

What Makes an Eye Mask Ergonomic?

Since there is such a wide variety available in the market, it is vital that you keep a few factors in mind that will make sure that the eye mask you purchase is ergonomic. These factors are all  discussed below.


If you want to achieve maximum comfort, the material of the eye mask you purchase should be soft and breathable. Look for materials like cotton or plush fabric as they are gentle on the eyes and will make your spa or sleeping experience much better. The material should also be able to withstand hot or cold temperatures, depending on whether your eye mask provides hot or cold therapy. For regular eye masks without any relaxing therapies, silk is a good material.

Adjustable strap

It is essential that each eye mask comes with an adjustable strap so that the mask can fit your unique head shape. When you are purchasing online, it is difficult to get an idea of the dimensions of the eye mask, which means getting the right size according to your face type is difficult. Consider buckled straps instead of velcro ones as velcro can stick to your hair or cushions, causing discomfort. 

Convex eyecups

Convex eyecups are better than flat eye masks because they provide adequate space between the mask and the eyelids, allowing your eyes to move about and flutter comfortably. Flat masks can rub against the eyes and make the mask uncomfortable, especially if you plan to sleep while wearing it. Also, these convex cups can protect your makeup as well if you want to take a quick nap on your flight.


In order to be considered ergonomic, eye masks should be as lightweight as possible. Heavy masks will press against the eyes and can reduce your comfort levels. This is especially true for masks that come with gel or clay beads because they can add to the weight of the eye mask considerably. Always look for the weight of the mask in the dimensions provided on the website, and avoid purchasing a mask that weighs more than three ounces. 

What Additional Features Should an Eye Mask Come With?

Other than being ergonomic, you will need to consider a few more factors. Some of the most important ones have been discussed below.

Durable and reusable

To ensure their long life, it is important that the eye masks you purchase are made from reliable, high-quality materials. They should be able to withstand regular wear and tear without showing signs of cracking. The most common materials include cotton, PVC and polyester as they tend to be comfortable and durable. Also, the eye mask should be washable so that it can remain hygienic and last you a while (a good eye mask can last for several years).

Safe materials

Since our eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of our body, it is important that we take care of what we are exposing them to. The materials used to make the eye mask should be hypoallergenic, non-toxic and free from harmful materials like latex. It’s also a plus if they’re eco-friendly, and natural since these kinds of materials have a lesser chance of causing allergies.


Eye masks are common among travelers, so getting one with a carry case that holds them is important. The carrying case should be small enough to fit in your bag easily, and it should also be washable to maintain hygiene. Usually, drawstring closures are ideal as they keep the case sealed, preventing germs or other bacteria from coming in contact with the mask.
