Best. Day. EVER. New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski is celebrating his team’s Super Bowl XLIX win to the fullest. The NFL player chugged everything from a beer to Fireball and even champagne during the Patriots parade in Boston on Wednesday, Feb. 4, and the Internet’s reaction couldn’t be more perfect.rob gronkowski chugging

“Gronk in a minion hat taking a shot of fireball. what else did you expect?! #worldchamps @patriots,” one fan wrote on Instagram, along with a video of the player hanging outside a bus while chugging the whiskey.

Another bystander claims they even heard the funnyman offer vodka to police. “I just overheard Gronk say ‘Dude I got some goose you want some’ to a cop at the parade,” they tweeted. “We legit have the biggest frat boy on our team haha. Way to go #Patriots!! #RobGronkowski #Gronk #Gronkowski #Champions #Parade #Boston,” another fan wrote.Rob Gronkowski push up

“The guy just gets it,” one fan perfectly summed up.

And just because we are all thinking it, @WhitneySharpe94 tweeted: “If this is Gronk now, I would have loved to see him in college.” (In case you didn’t know, Gronk went to University of Arizona.)

In his defense, the player does deserve a day off.rob gronkowski and a deflated ball

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While speaking with Jimmy Kimmel after his big win, Gronkowski admitted he and his teammates have yet to stop celebrating. rob gronkowski dancing

“We stayed up all night. We were dancing all night. We went to bed about 4:30, 5:00 a.m. We are all on about two hours of sleep,” he said of their post-game fete on Monday, Feb. 2. “I just heard our parade got moved to Wednesday,” he added. “So I was planning on sleeping tonight and getting to the parade tomorrow morning, but since it got moved to Wednesday, yeah, I’ll be up all night.”

And with that, we give you Gronk!rob gronkowski with fans
