The Real Housewives of New York City Secrets Revealed special delivered on its promise, offering up some tasty morsels not seen during the regular season. Though each woman chimed in a bit, some (such as Kristen Taekman, Carole Radziwill, and Dorinda Medley) were featured more prominently than others (i.e. Heather Thomson).

The special opened with Bethenny Frankel and Dorinda meeting for a drink. Though Dorinda was under the weather, she still ordered a "very dirty" martini, prompting the Skinnygirl guru to call her "a broad" to the camera. For the record, though, that was a compliment. During this meet-up, the first of the secrets was revealed: Dorinda used to be a waitress, and she was "amazing" (according to Dorinda).

After a quick scene from Turks and Caicos in which LuAnn de Lesseps expressed her displeasure with being forced to hang out at an empty bar (the horror!), the scene switched gears to Dorinda's birthday dinner in the Berkshires.

LuAnn and Ramona Singer Gave the Worst Toasts Ever

It kicked off with the chef taking way too long to explain, in painstaking detail, every item on the evening's menu. "Take it away and just give me more sake!" Dorinda begged the camera before adding, "I was seriously bored!" She was bored at her own birthday dinner — that's never good.

Ramona and LuAnn then competed to give the worst birthday toast in history.

"If Dorinda's happy, I'm happy," Ramona said in reference to Dorinda's boyfriend, John, whom Ramona pretty openly did not care for all season.

"You're a lucky guy, and we're getting to know you," LuAnn added as she raised her glass, prompting John to turn to his girlfriend and joke, "When are they leaving?" But also, he wasn't really joking.

At this point, back on the reunion couch, Heather made a half-hearted effort to inject herself into the mix by accusing Dorinda, Sonja, and LuAnn of being a clique. Clearly no one cared what Heather was saying, though, including Heather, who said, "Whatever" and ended the discussion there.

Dorinda Got an Email From the Grave

Okay, maybe not the grave, but she did get an email during filming that her deceased husband, Richard, had sent to her back in 2007 — and that's close enough. As Dorinda, Sonja, Ramona, and Dorinda's daughter, Hannah, enjoyed tea, the uptown mom read an excerpt from the old love letter.

"'I love you more than you could possible imagine,'" she said. "'You are an amazing partner and although I did not always do the correct things all the time, I would never do anything to hurt you.'" By this point, there was hardly a dry eye in the house.

"I love you so much, Dorinda," Richard's email continued as he explained how badly he wanted to wake her up (apparently she was sleeping beside him while he typed), but ultimately decided to let her rest. "I have plenty of time to bug hug and kiss you over the next many years of our lives," he concluded.

"I forgot how he used to speak to me so gently," Dorinda said through tears. "He cherished me." Ramona seconded Dorinda's statement.

"Richard was this very intelligent, well spoken, articulate gentleman. It brought tears to my eyes, the love that he exuded in this letter," she mused.

Ramona Confronted Sonja Morgan About Not Being There for Her

Discussing how their relationship had changed over the years, Sonja admitted that Ramona's split from Mario was hard on her. "I love Mario. I love her," the usually bubbly blonde explained.

"You weren't there for me the way I needed," Ramona said to Sonja. "I personally took a step back from her and I reached out to other people." Ultimately, though, the True Faith creator didn't think that the extra breathing room between them was all that bad. "I got closer to Dorinda, LuAnn. I developed a friendship with Heather and Carole," she reflected.

For her part, Sonja admitted that she had become "very defensive and needy," adding, "She shut me out and it was painful."

All's well that ends well, though, and the longtime besties hugged it out on the couch, seemingly ending any bad blood between them.

Kristen Celebrated Her 10th Wedding Anniversary

Kristen and her husband Josh's 10th wedding anniversary celebration took on new meaning in light of his Ashley Madison scandal. As the show was filming (before Josh was caught on the controversial site), Kristen was truly over the moon while preparing for their party.

Carole came over one afternoon with her wedding album in hand to have some bonding time with Kristen. As Kristen looked through Carole's photos, she became somewhat emotional.

"She had what I have and it got taken away from her," Kristen reflected of Carole's marriage. "Honestly, I can't even imagine how hard that is for her." It's impossible not to wonder what Kristen would think watching that scene now.

After that, Carole and Kristen took turns trying on Kristen's old wedding dress. The gown fit both women, but Carole decided she looked better in it (and her analysis wasn't totally unfounded). Also in that exchange, Kristen mentioned something about her new silicone breasts, so — that happened.

At the actual party, Kristen rocked her wedding dress while all other guests wore black, and she looked absolutely smitten as she told Josh, "I love you more now than I did then, if that's even possible."

Josh also shared some thoughts. "I'm very fortunate," he said. "I don't think I say thank you enough for all the wonderful things you do as a wife, as a mother, as a friend." It was a touching scene, which made his scandal feel that much worse.

Sonja Admitted She Goes to Gay Bars to "Be an A–hole"

As an added bonus during Kristen and Josh's 10 year anniversary party, Carole confronted Sonja about talking trash about her at a gay bar, but Sonja didn't miss a beat.

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"That's why I go to gay bars!" she argued. "So I can be an a–hole in private!" (And by "in private," she means in a public space built for socializing?) "No one is safe when I go to a gay bar," she explained to the camera. "I'm going to bitch about everyone and they're bitching about everyone! That's why we go there." Glad that's cleared up.

Other secrets included Bethenny revealing she had lasered off all of her hair down there, LuAnn had a dream that she was a tooth, and Ramona had a dream that her teeth were falling out, which apparently meant she wanted more kids … at least, that's what the dream interpreter said.

Tell Us: What did you think watching Kristen and Josh celebrate their 10 year anniversary?
