Farrah Abraham's pregnancy test will be coming up negative, according to her sex tape partner James Deen. The 27-year-old porn star is fuming mad after the 21-year-old Teen Mom star was photographed by TMZ buying a pregnancy test about one month after filming their sex tape.

"To say you're potentially pregnant is not something to joke about. When you knowingly involve another human being and a publicity stunt around that, a child is not something to be taken lightly," Deen told Celebuzz. "It's not a game anymore and it's really not cool."

"This is a type of publicity I do not agree with and I do not want to participate in," he added. "Joking or lying or using pregnancy to get attention and media is not cool."

Deen then went into graphic detail suggesting that it would be impossible for Abraham to get pregnant from the sexual act filmed for the Backdoor Teen Mom video.

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But he's still taking the matter very seriously. "I spoke to the clinic where we both got tested before our scene along with my personal medical doctor regarding the subject. However, I am more concerned about the fact that Vivid told me she was on birth control," he said. "Had I known she was not taking preventive measures I would have never accepted the scene." (Indeed, in a recent interview with Us Weekly, the MTV reality star said she was currently on birth control.)

Abraham, who is already mom to 4-year-old daughter Sophia, hasn't released any statement addressing her pregnancy test purchase. After filming her "personal video" with Deen, she made the decision to sell it to porn company Vivid Entertainment for reportedly close to one million dollars.
