Got a tip for Us?

Answers to the most frequently asked subscription questions can be found right here!

How can I contact Us about my subscription?

For any of the below FAQs or any other inquiry you may have, you can contact us by:

web site: click here

mail: Us Weekly, P.O. Box 37207, Boone, IA 50037-0207


toll-free phone: 800-283-3956

How do I know my account number or expiration date?

Your mailing label contains all the important information you’ll need should you ever contact us. Your account number is the long number that identifies you and all pertinent facts about your subscription.

This can be found along the upper left of your label.

Your expiration date appears as a month, date and year combination and indicates the last issue of your subscription. This can be found to the right of your account number or just about center top of your label.

Your account number is also located on each billing and renewal notice above your name and address.

What’s the fastest way to notify you about a change of address?

Simply use our “change your address” section on our subscriber services right here on our web site. If you prefer, you can use one of the other methods noted above. In all cases, you should have your name and address exactly as they appear on your current mailing label along with your new address.

How do I give a gift subscription?

Simply use our “gift” section on our subscriber services right here on our web site or contact via one of the other methods noted above. Be sure to provide the full name and mailing address for both yourself and the lucky person receiving your gift.

How do I order back issues?

To order back issues of Us Weekly, or any of our other popular special editions, visit: Available while supplies last.

How do I write to the Editor?

We welcome your letters. You can send editorial questions or comments by:


mail: Us letters, a360media, LLC, 270 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 0763

Please include your name, address and phone number on all correspondence.

How do I remove my name from mailings?

Occasionally, our subscriber’s names are made available to carefully selected companies whose product might be of interest to you. Many of our subscribers find these mailings valuable. However, if you prefer not to receive these mailings, please let us know by contacting us via one of the methods noted above.

How do I stop duplicate notices?

You may receive a renewal or payment reminder after you have already mailed us your reply to the previous notice. It probably means our correspondence has simply crossed in the mail. If you receive a second notice after you have sent in your renewal or payment, please contact us promptly since there may be a problem. You can contact us via one of the methods noted above.
